
Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world. Without it, there would be no planes, no plastic, no [...]

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Here are the covers of four new translations that appeared in 2016 and 2017: Harvesting the Biosphere in [...]

Once again, I had the opportunity to help Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy at J.P. [...]

A comprehensive, interdisciplinary history of the human quest for energy –- including its biophysical and technical foundations and [...]

An updated and expanded edition of the guide, originally released in 2006, was published by Oneworld in London. [...]

Based on the best international and national statistical sources, the second edition of Energy Transitions: Global and National [...]

CLSA (Crédit Lyonnais Securities Asia) released my report about the history and prospect of energy transitions, Gradual Greening: [...]

Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy at J.P. Morgan, Published our Annual Energy Reality Check entitled [...]

Although the last two generations have seen an enormous amount of attention paid to advances in electronics, the [...]

Chinese translation of Making the Modern World (Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Beijing) was published in July 2015. [...]

Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy at J.P. Morgan, Published Our Annual Energy Reality Check entitled [...]